Hi, I'm Stacey.

I have a head full of big curly hair, unapologetically tell it like it is, watch movies with the lights on, love road trips and camping with my girls in our Winnebago Solis Pocket campervan - we've affectionately named "WinneBAGEL" aka Bagel no matter the final destination. 

I Love New York City something fierce, but hate the cold. I went to summer camp as a young girl and can play Jewish geography with the best of them. I homeschool my girls because, well it works for us, I studied fine art photography in college at UNM ~ where the light is always amazing and the land is full of enchantment.

I share my life with my husband Morgan, my two girls, Remy and Luca, our GINORMOUS goldendoodle, aptly named Kodak and our newest addition, a Brussels Griffon pup which I let my kids name Una Pillow. 🤦🏼‍♀️ As I tell my kids often, "Living is a Creative Act"

Why storytelling photography and video

Well, this is MY WHY.

My own father passed away when I was 11 and some of the most cherished photos and home movies I have are the ones with him in them. Memories such as our family outing to the balloon festival – Which includes a favorite family photo, one where Im on his shoulders, and my 2 cousins are on the shoulders of my Uncle and Aunt… and crazy thing, I have a video to accompany it – where I hear my fathers voice, and get the opportunity to remember him say “Stace, watch Michael while he’s walking down those steps.” These moments in life are precious and fleeting – realizing that, has created this intense desire to want to share it with all of YOU, and be the one to help document those moments- otherwise lost and eventually forgotten.


As a mom, Liz was always between wishing away the tumultuous moments, then longing for them back once the kids moved on, and onto the next phase of life.

As her kids continue to grow up she realizes, life grows and evolves before our eyes. What makes us who we are is in our daily habits: The hugs, kisses, sharing a favorite snack, pushing of hair behind an ear, wiping of a nose, the look in our eyes when we see each other first thing in the morning.

“This experience was effortless to be in — because it was just us being us — and so beautifully captures my kids and our relationship right now. Best of all, it shows me as an active participant — something I can’t achieve behind the lens of my phone. I am so grateful to have had this experience.  It’s like holding time in my hands….” A session like this is more than just a photoshoot. It’s creating a window into your life.

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What a session together looks like